Vietnam visa on arrival – some case cannot apply


It is clear that with some advanced benefits including time and money saving, the number of foreigners using 到着時のビザ to go to Vietnam has been sharply increasing. However there are some cases which cannot apply visa on arrival, you should take a look to avoid delaying your schedule due to your lack of notice.

As far as you see, all citizens can apply visa on arrival just by providing their passport details, type of visa and arrival time. However, some countries listed below cannot apply visa on arrival as normal:

アルジェリア アフガニスタン ナイジェリア
パキスタン バングラデシュ マラウイ
チュニジア Guinea – Bissau カタール
トリニダード・トバゴ ハイチ ソマリア
スーダン イエメン ジャマイカ
ルワンダ イラン カメルーン
イラク サウジアラビア ヨルダン
スリランカ パレスチナ 七面鳥
ガーナ ジンバブエ ナミビア
ネパール ケニア オマーン

The visa procedure is more complex and time-processing is longer. It is often required the guarantee of a travel agent for those go to Vietnam for tourism purpose or a business company in Vietnam for those go to Vietnam for business purpose. If your country is listed above, you should consider which way to apply Vietnam visa is better, Vietnam visa at Embassy or Vietnam visa on arrival and then contact with the specific agents.

The second case cannot apply visa on arrival is passport expiration. Actually, when your passport is expired, both applying visa at Embassy cannot be run. Therefore, if you want to go to Vietnam, please prepare your passport validity of at least 6 months ahead.

The last case is for China and Hong Kong passport holders who take the flight from their country of China mainland, Macao, Hong Kong. If so, visa on arrival is not available for them. Only by applying directly at Vietnam Embassy will they get visa to Vietnam.

前の記事Moc Chau – The soul of spring
次の記事5 things to know before traveling to Vietnam